October 2007 Archives

Jojoba & Aloe Vera

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The mini "fish-tail" lace pattern seemed to take forever, but my current obsession with lace and detail is taking me in that direction. The description on the label says that aloe vera and jojoba oil are blended in with the wool - it got me to buy it! The colors are soothing, and after some experimentation, I realized that the stripes did indeed have to match the previous sock. Woo hoo! You may notice the absence of a tiny lavender stripe near the end of one toe - I ran out of yarn in the sequence.

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jojoba 2.jpg

New Discovery!

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After years of hand-washing all my hand-knit socks, I have made a discovery. Delicate knits can be washed on the "Delicates" or "Knit" cycle of the washing machine!! Yes, it's true, and not only that, the results are better than hand-washing. After washing a "Warm/Cold" cycle on delicate, the socks (and sweaters) of all colors and fiber content, emerged oh-so-fluffy and practically dry! Colors did not run or fade, items looked refreshed and revitalized, or actually appealing! There were fewer pills as well. It seems to me that machine-washing in this way actually reduces stress to the item (and to the washer) as the whole process is much faster, thereby reducing the amount of soaking and drying time altogether, and rolling wet items up in a dry towel to squeeze out excess water, which is a big drag. Cashmere is fluffy, cotton looks crisp, and wool is soft. Who could ask for more?
I should also add that nothing is put in the dryer (which would cause shrinkage and wear & tear), but instead the damp objects are carefully laid out to dry.

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