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Evening Stocking for a Young Lady:
Design: Nancy Bush, Knitting Vintage Socks
Yarn: Koigu
Needles: dp 0
Knitter/photographer: Celadona
September 2006 Archives

Pet me, love me, adore me!

After racing around all morning, it's time for an afternoon siesta...
These are my second pair of STR (Socks That Rock) socks, minus the STR pattern. I started them, couldn't follow that lace from row to row, took them apart after a few inches, felt much better afterwards, and chose a different patten. I used 00 needles to get the right gauge for these Waving Lace Socks by Evelyn A. Clark. Same designer as the Leaf Lace socks-
My favorite thing about Evelyn Clark socks is the way the instep lace pattern juxtaposes so gracefully with the gusset and foot of the sock: